




The Foundation has established agreements of collaboration and reciprocity with the following international institutions, related with artistic creation, research and education:

INA-GRM (Paris-France) http://www.ina.fr/grm/presentation/index.fr.html

The GRM (Group of musical research) of Paris, is the pioneer music research center in the world. It is a unique site of creation, research and conservation in the field of sound and electro acoustic music. As a result of his research on transformation of recorded sounds, Pierre Schaeffer founds the Musique Concrète in 1948. Ten years later he creates the GRM, as a part of the Research Service of the French Radio-Television.

IMEB (Bourges-France) http://www.imeb.net/

Its actual directors, the composers Françoise Barriere and Christian Clozier, created the International Institute of Electro acoustic Music of Bourges in 1970. It is recognized as "National Center of Musical creation". The center develops numerous activities in creation, research, education, bibliographic and phonographic editions, archives etc.  

Musiques et Recherches (Belgium) http://www.musiques-recherches.be/home.php?lng=en

Musiques et Recherches (Belgium) located in Ohain, Belgium, is an association whose concentrated efforts focus upon the development of electroacoustic music , more specifically, acousmatic music. This work is accomplished through:

  • the organization of concerts and of a festival called L'Espace du son
  • the creation of competitions
  • the proposal of concerts
  • the invitation to composers to create new works in its studios
  • the development of educational programs in the form of intensive courses and workshops
  • the publication of journals and compact discs
  • the development of an archival centre: Electrodoc, etc

Orquesta del Caos (Barcelone-Spain) http://www.sonoscop.net/sonoscop/orquestradelcaos.html

Created in Barcelona in 1994, the Orchestra of the Chaos is an interdisciplinary collective of artists specially oriented to the development of projects related with Experimental Music and Sound art.

Phonos (Barcelone-Spain) http://www.iua.upf.es/phonos/

The Phonos Foundation promotes the using of new technologies, especially informatics, in the musical creation. Thanks to a narrow collaboration with the Universitary Institut of Audiovisual, it offers to musicians an environment based in most advanced technologies, in order to experiment with new forms of creation and control of sound.

Instituto Universitario del Audiovisual - Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelone-Spain) http://www.iua.upf.edu/

VPRO Radio - Netherlands: emisión "Café Sonore" en Canal 6 - http://www.vpro.nl/overdevpro/3779624/

Universidad de Concordia - Canada y CEC (Comunidad electroacústica canadiense) www.concordia.ca

BEAMS (Brandeis Electro-Acoustic Music Studio) - EU - www.brandeis.edu/departments/music/beams/

Universidad de Iowa - EU - www.uiowa.edu

University of Buffalo - EU - www.buffalo.edu/

Fundación Ton Bruynèl - Netherlands - http://www.tonbruynel.nl/foundation.htm

Fundación Gaudeamus - Netherlands - http://www.gaudeamus.nl/

Motus - France - http://www.motus.fr

Festival Futura - France -http://www.festivalfutura.fr

Elektrophonie - France - http://www.nuit-bleue.com/

Radio Centraal Antwerpen FM106.7 (La voix du Studio voor Experimentele Muziek)

Amee (Asociación de música electroacústica de España) http://www.uam.es/ra/amee/

Universidad de Hull - Scarborough -Inglaterra - www.hull.ac.uk/

BEAST (Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre) y Estudio de música electroacúsqtica de la Universidad de Birmingham (Reino Unido)